All gerstel stuff without category
Showing 1–15 of 23 results
Adapter with check valve (SS) with ceramic ball inlet line
722.00 kr.UPC plus serial no > 07822-02500
Coolant connection at flow line, adapter check valve (SS)
980.00 marked for UPC plus serial no > 07822-02500
DPX-RP-TA tips for use with GERSTEL sample preparation systems
2,466.00 kr.1 ml, pakke med 100 stk.
Front Pressure Regulator 0-2.1bar for MPS 2
2,054.00 kr. -
Injection unit for TDU 2 icw. CIS 4
8,049.00 kr. -
Kalrez O-ring for SLH
1,558.00 kr. -
Magnetic disc; nickelplated for ALEX gripper
1,356.00 kr. -
Maintenance kit for TDS A-locking cone
609.00 kr. -
Nose cone for use with GERSTEL ODP 3/4
588.00 kr.